Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Feast of Nativity of Blessed Mother Mary

Purpose of the Birth of Mary

John writes: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son for our salvation” (Jn 3:16). The above verse shows that God loves us immensely and He never wants us to be away from him. For this very purpose He gave his only Son to die on the cross so that we may live. By this action it is certain to us that each one is brought into the world for a definite purpose, namely, to love and serve God, which can be realized in many different ways. All we need to do is to recognize our purpose in life and fulfill it.
The birth of Mary has a purpose in God’s universal plan of salvation: She was chosen to be the Virgin Mother of God, which she recognized, accepted and fulfilled with deep personal commitment. Mary makes a free choice to accept her role in God’s work of salvation – a task she could have refused. Mary’s ‘yes’ is a sign of her full assent to the will of God, to her role in this redemptive mission. The Annunciation specifies to us two things: God’s action in entering the human world as Jesus in order to save humanity, and humanity’s willingness to accept God’s action through Mary, by her acceptance of the task of becoming the Mother of Jesus. Mary’s mission did not complete at the birth of Jesus, but she continued serving God’s purpose in all her life. Jesus took birth and lived on earth like any other human child, so it was Mary who fulfilled the responsibility of nurturing Jesus by taking care of him, teaching him and loving him.
Mary is the Mother of God and She is Mother of all Humans: Jesus, while hanging on the cross, gave his mother to the world to be the mother of all. Mary at the foot of the cross plays her role bravely as the mother of all humanity. What pain a mother must have suffered seeing her beloved son dying on the cross! But she knew God’s task for her and so she readily accepted all the sorrows and pain because God desired Mary to participate in Jesus’ sufferings just as we participate through our own sufferings. It was only possible because of her firm faith in God. By her yes to the will of God, her faith in God’s word, Mary freely and fully cooperated in God’s work of human salvation. Her obedience untied the knot of Eve’s disobedience. Hence there is no doubt that Mary was raised to the highest dignity a creature can be raised, namely, God crowned her as the queen of heaven and earth. And so, all generations will call her blessed, because she recognized and fulfilled God’s will in her whole life.
Mary Plays an Important Role in the lives of all Christians: Mary played an important role at the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle by changing water into wine. It is Mary who requested Jesus to do so, so as to save the bridegroom’s family from shame and embarrassment. That was Mary’s purpose where she teaches us to trust the word of God and have faith in her Son Jesus. Like the servants at the wedding she also asks us to do whatever Jesus says.
Ku. Sonu Nitnaware

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